House Cleaning Tips | The Perfect Scrubber

What Makes a Good Scrubber?

Baking Soda for House CleaningHouse cleaning is what we do, and It may seem strange to some, but when I’m cleaning a home that has scummy build-up in a bath tub, a tiny part of me gets excited. It’s because I know, that when I’m finished, that tub is going to shine “like the top of the Chrysler Building” (for all you Annie fans).  There is satisfaction in seeing the transformation from grimy to immaculate.

Nothing helps scrubbing off scum like a good dry soft scrub, and this is where baking soda once again comes to the rescue.  When you’re cleaning out the tub, simply spray your liquid cleaner of choice (we prefer green products!) on the bottom and walls of your tub, then sprinkle baking soda (or a mixture of salt and baking soda) on the bottom of the tub. Just sprinkle for about five seconds, if you put too much on, it’ll make a paste which is counter-productive.  Then, grab your scrub brush and scrub away! The “grit” from the baking soda really helps grab the bath-tub build up and cuts down on labor for you. Just make sure to rinse it all down. If you don’t have a detachable shower head, a rinse cup works great.  Another great place to use baking soda as a dry scrub is in toilets along with your toilet cleaner.  Just make sure you put the scrub on the inside walls of the toilet bowl and not in the water, because if its disintegrating, its not helping you scrub!

As always, we reccomend checking out EWG before using any cleaning solution.

You may not get as excited about a dirty tub as I do, but I hope this helps you get that immaculate transformation.  Happy scrubbing!



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53 comments on “House Cleaning Tips | The Perfect Scrubber

    • Hi John baking soda is really helpful for many things I also heard that baking soda is good to use for teeth it will help in reducing sore gums.

      • Thank you for the article, you are an inspiration to us all.baking soda is really helpful for many thing I also heard that is good to use for teeth. Here is a great way I find the best tool to Cleaner That Sanitizes Everything in Home I hope it helps some others!

  1. The scrubber is very important materials for bathroom cleaning. It can be cleaned perfectly & in a short time. I use the scrubber. Your information is very helpful. Thanks for sharing the essential article!!!

  2. My mom has been really frustrated with her kid’s bathroom because it is always dirty and they are never home to clean it as deep as she would like and she doesn’t have the time. She would really like to get some help from a professional so that she can clean her grout properly and it will look a lot nicer. I liked what yous aid about how baking soda can be really useful to clean a home as long as she doesn’t use too much and create a paste.

  3. Thank you so much for this post! I always heard about baking soda being a good cleaning supply. I just never realized it would do so well in the bathroom. We will definitely start utilizing it in our business. Thanks again!

  4. These are some great tips! And you’ve got it right; it makes a massive difference. Choosing the right Electric Tankless Water Heater For Rv can be pretty tricky, but this guide made it a lot simpler! Thank you so much for writing; this was helpful!

  5. We have recently started our new house cleaning and service company and came across this article. Really appreciate you taking the time to educate us on this! Found this tip very helpful and makes total sense to use baking soda as part of a scrubbing agent. House cleaning is not a very exciting topic to write about, but you did excellent on keeping it entertaining and informative. Thanks so much
    John recently posted…Seasonal CleaningMy Profile

  6. Thank you so much for this post! I always heard about baking soda is a good cleaning supply. I just never realized it would do so well in the bathroom. We will definitely start utilizing it in our business. Thanks again!

  7. Wow, this is a fantastic article on house cleaning tips and the perfect scrubber! I loved how you covered different types of scrubbers and the best uses for each one. The information on how to choose the right scrubber based on the type of surface being cleaned was especially helpful. I’m always looking for ways to improve my cleaning routine, and this article has given me some great new ideas.

    Thank you for taking the time to write this informative post. Your tips and recommendations are sure to be helpful for many people looking to improve their cleaning routine. Keep up the great work!

    Best regards,

  8. Your post beautifully captures the satisfaction that comes from turning a grimy bathtub into a sparkling oasis. Your tips on using baking soda as a dry scrub are genius – the perfect solution for tackling scum without unnecessary effort. Your attention to eco-friendly products and the nod to EWG’s recommendations shows your commitment to both cleanliness and health.

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