How To Organize Your Home In A Weekend | Best House Cleaning Services

best house cleaning services in Colorado Springs

The task of cleaning and organizing your home can be overwhelming at times. The good news is, for most homes it’s possible to conquer this task in a weekend!

At Maid To Shine, we were voted one of the best house cleaning services in Colorado Springs and our goal is to help make your life easier. If you’re looking at the daunting task of organizing your home, it might not be as bad as you think.

In fact, some of the best house cleaning services suggest breaking it down into manageable steps. Use these tips to help get your home organized this weekend.

Reduce Clutter

By reducing clutter in your home, you’ll spend less time organizing piles and messes. Take a weekend to go through your home and donate or get rid of household items, clothes, and toys your family no longer uses.

If you’ve accumulated lots of “stuff” over the years, consider going room by room and reducing the clutter in each room before moving on to the next. By downsizing the amount of clutter in your home over the weekend, organizing the rest of your home will be easy!

Organize Drawers

Organize drawers based on the hierarchy of importance. Put important office gadgets in higher drawers based on their use.

Do the same for kitchen drawers and find a location for miscellaneous items to avoid more than one “junk drawer” in your house. Throw all junk drawer items into a bucket and decide if you need them or if there’s a better place to organize miscellaneous gadgets. With organized drawers, you’ll find what you need in an instant.

Use Bins or Baskets

As you reduce clutter in your home, use bins or baskets to keep remaining items organized. These are great to use in laundry rooms or kid toys in play areas. Organize shoes or sweaters in your closet with baskets for a clean view. Bins or baskets not only look great, they make it easier to locate items when you need them.

Designate Play Zones

To reduce messes around your home, designate a play area for children. This may be in a separate room or an area in the living room with baskets of toys (as mentioned above). Though playtime can appear as a creative mess, designating a specific area for imagination and play can help keep the rest of your house more organized.

Tackle Piles

Does paper or mail stack up on your counters or in your home office? Take this weekend to conquer these piles once and for all. Toss unnecessary paperwork or mail and make files with clearly marked labels for anything worth keeping. Before you keep it, ask yourself one more time, “Is this necessary?”

If you’re looking for help cleaning your home, Maid To Shine offers the best house cleaning services in Colorado Springs. We’ll tackle the dirty work for you. Get a Free Quote or call (719) 640-3276 to schedule your next cleaning.

10 comments on “How To Organize Your Home In A Weekend | Best House Cleaning Services

  1. I like what you mentioned about tackling piles. It’s hard for me to throughout paperwork but, it is a new skill that I have to learn. I think it is important to take it one task at a time and I like the way you have things organized here. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love the route that this article takes on cleaning your home. It is easy to know that the toilet or the carpet needs to be cleaned. As a full blown family, it is hard to know how to store our stuff in our home and make the house look cleaned up. I’m sure you can see our lack of organizational skills.

  3. Great post! It’s the ultimate deep cleaning tips list. So much helpful and useful information gathered on one place. Thank you for sharing ! I’m definitely recommending your article to my friends and colleagues.

  4. The biggest lesson for me from this is designating play zones. That’s what my wife and I have been struggling with over the last couple of months, and maybe this tip can lessen the cleaning hassle.

  5. Wood pallets have many DIY uses, including for garden tool storage. For this organization hack, simply screw a pallet vertically into the wall of your garage or other storage space. Then, slide in your rakes, shovels, and other garden tools. The pallet will keep them contained yet accessible.
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  6. “Great tips! I always struggle with clutter, but breaking it down into manageable steps makes it seem much more doable. Thanks for the advice!”

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