Important Questions to Ask When Hiring House Cleaning Services

tools for house cleaning services

If you’re searching for consistent house cleaning services or shopping for a deep clean for your home, there’s a few important questions to keep in mind. To get the best service from trustworthy professionals, consider the following questions before hiring a house cleaning services agency.

Which areas of your home need cleaned?

Having a plan will make it much easier when you start considering what house cleaning services you need. Are you looking for regular cleaning (dusting, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms)? Or do you need deluxe services such as deep cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, washing blinds, baseboards, handrails, and door handles?

When you know what cleaning needs to be done, it’s easier to pick the service that’s right for you.

Is the company bonded and insured?

It’s important that a company is insured in the event an accident takes place in your home. Though accidents are not common, a proper house cleaning company will carry current insurance to cover risks. Liability and workman’s compensation are two forms of insurance that are most common and important for companies to have.

Can you choose a company based on price alone?

As with any service, you get what you pay for. There may be discounted services available through independent cleaners, but you may not get the quality results, service, and cleanliness you were looking for.

Professional house cleaners are held to strict standards and aim at providing the best in service and support. Hiring a trustworthy professional house cleaner to come into your home is worth the investment.

Do they offer a satisfaction guarantee?

What if you’re not completely satisfied with house cleaning services? Quality companies will provide a satisfaction guarantee. There’s typically a window of time where a house cleaner returns to clean an area not cleaned to standards, or offer a refund if you’re not fully satisfied.

Who provides the cleaning supplies?

Some companies require you to provide cleaning supplies while some companies bring them to you. Cleaning supplies can range from harsh chemicals to natural ingredients so keep in mind what you prefer for your home. We recommend natural house cleaning products safe for children and pets. They leave your house smelling fresh and clean while not leaving behind strong chemical odors.

Are Cleaning Techs given background checks?

This is an important question to ask because house cleaners are given access to many areas in your home. Confirm the company hires trustworthy employees who pass quality background checks.

Here at Maid to Shine we offer a wide range of house cleaning services to suit your needs. We’re bonded and insured for your safety and protection and offer a 48 hour satisfaction guarantee. Your house is always cleaned by a trained professional who passes background checks, and we bring cleaning supplies that are safe and natural for children and pets.

If you’d like to learn more, check out our services or other frequently asked questions. We’re happy to offer you professional and quality service so your house truly shines!

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49 comments on “Important Questions to Ask When Hiring House Cleaning Services

  1. That’s good to know about a satisfaction guarantee. It does seem like a good company should offer some way to clean things to satisfaction. That way you don’t have to worry about something be done haphazardly while you’re gone. You can always just check it later.

  2. I am so glad that you posted these questions to ask your maid service, because I didn’t think about half of them. Asking if they offer a satisfaction guarantee is a very good way to insure your house gets cleaned the way you want it to be. Different people have different concepts of clean, and if your maids ideas don’t align with yours, you are paying for a service that you aren’t happy with.

  3. I’m glad you mentioned the first point. You can’t just hire a cleaning service and turn them loose in your home. You should have a very clear idea of what you want done and how thoroughly they should clean. Everyone’s specifications are different, so it’s better to over-explain than be vague.

  4. When I think of acquisition of maintenance or cleaning services for my home, the first thing I think is, what they aren’t allowed or required to do for me. I know that a moving company can’t move chemicals. Likewise, a home cleaning company must have some preset boundaries. Would anyone know what those boundaries generally are?

  5. You make a great point to ask if the business is bonded and insured. There is not much of a barrier to prevent just about anyone from starting a cleaning service. If they are serious and have been in the business for a while, they should be bonded and insured; making them a better choice.

  6. Good idea to make sure maids have background checks and the company is insured! You don’t want a criminal going through your personal belongings. And you don’t want your priceless antiques being shattered or damaged by the cleaner, either!

  7. These are some really good question to know if you are planning on hiring a cleaning service. I liked your tip about asking who provides the cleaning supplies. That is good to know if you don’t have a lot of cleaning supplies, or equipment at your home. That would definitely help me make a decision on who to hire.

  8. Thanks for the suggestion to ask about who provides cleaning supplies. I would rather that we choose what kind of supplies our cleaning folks use, but I would be willing to let them bring their own if they aren’t going to trigger my daughter’s allergies. I also feel like that’s a good thing to look into when comparing companies because that will probably affect price and you want to compare apples to apples. Just something to keep in mind.

  9. I agree that you should make a judgment call on which company to hire that is based on more than just the price. I think the price in no way determines whether the cleaners are fit to do their job. I do, however, think that their resume is an important thing to analyze.

  10. I like that you say you get what you pay for. I think that principle can apply to any service in life. Personally, I like to pay a little more to get better services. For me, a nice clean house is worth spending a little extra money.

  11. I believe an another factor to keep in mind is the online review of the company. Many times we can get the best opinion about the service provider through social media.

  12. This is helpful especially if you’ve never hired cleaning services to clean your house. I agree there are some things that needs to be considered, such as do I leave the house or can I stay and do my own things while the cleaners clean the house. Hiring a house cleaning team can give you a lot of time to do things that is more important than house cleaning.


  13. I have noticed that me and my wife are running out of time to clean the house, and I was thinking about hiring someone to help us out. It makes sense that you should check who will be providing the cleaning supplies. It would be nice to have them bring their own, but I can understand if we would have to provide them.

  14. I really like your point on making sure that the housekeeping service offers a satisfaction guarantee. In my opinion, this shows just how confident the service is in their cleaning methods. Plus, the company would have to do a good job of keeping customers satisfied in order for them to save time and money.

  15. I like that you suggest to think about what areas of the house you will need cleaned. I can see why this would be helpful in deciding what service is best for your needs. I’ll have to remember this if I ever decide to hire a cleaning service.

  16. I really like what you said about not making decisions about cleaning services based on price alone. I also appreciate what you said about a satisfaction guarantee when you are researching a cleaning services company. I’ve also heard that there are different cleaning services that offer all natural products and strategies, thanks for the tips!

  17. Your comment about professional house cleaners being held to strict standards and aiming to be the very best made the price you pay for them sound a bit more reasonable. When it comes to cleaning my house I probably wouldn’t want to hire the cheapest option out there, but I would be leery of the most expensive as well. Reviews from past customers and references would be important to me in making that decision.

  18. Knowing who provides the cleaning supplies is super important when it comes to hiring a maid service. I wouldn’t want to have to worry about keeping up on all of my cleaning products for the cleaning people. So, asking that could save me a lot of headaches in the future.

  19. I am getting ready to put my house up for sale, and I am wanting to make sure that it will sell fast. When talking to my real estate agent she said that something I might want to look into is hiring a cleaning service so that when people come through it will look spotless. This being my first time even considering getting this type of service, I want to make sure that I know how to find the best one. It’s good to know that it is good to check to see who needs to provide the cleaning supplies, and make sure that they use the products I prefer to have in my home. This will really help with narrowing down the search, and will hopefully be a little extra help for selling the house. Thanks for your help!

  20. We appreciate all the points discussed above. But the work satisfaction guarantee is must. Because you will pay for the cleaning service but what if they do not clean your house properly as the deal was held?

  21. I never knew how important it is to choose a cleaning service that provides cleaning supplies to ensure your home smells fresh and clean without chemicals. My sister just had her third child. This option seems like something that could help her enjoy more time with her family.

  22. My wife and I have been thinking of hiring a cleaning service to keep the house tidy while we’re away but we aren’t sure where to start. I like that you mention how you get what you pay for when it comes to cleaning services. We might have to pay a bit more for a quality cleaning service but that’s okay as long as they get the job done. Thanks for the help!

  23. I like that you mentioned to make sure the cleaning service you hire does background checks on employees. That way, you can be sure anybody who is working in your house is trustworthy and reputable. I want to find a cleaning service to help my wife and I out around the house, but I want to choose the best. I will keep these things in mind as we search, thanks a lot for sharing.

  24. Wonderful information shared by your site. This is a brilliant article about hiring professional cleaning service.I like that you suggest to think about what areas of the house you will need cleaned

  25. My house has been awfully dirty lately. I have family over quite often and I don’t always enjoy the deep cleaning that comes before a family event. I was wanting to hire a cleaning service to give me some help. I didn’t know that some house cleaning services carry insurance to cover any accidents. I think I’m going to look into some local services.

  26. Hi Dear,
    I love this blog! I really appreciate you wrote the blog in simple language explaining each and every segment in detail to build momentum. Your write up explained all the angles and segments of deep cleaning services.
    Really an engaging article. Good work

  27. My company recently moved into a new space, and honestly, the whole office is very messy; that’s why I’ve been thinking of hiring a commercial janitorial service I’m glad you shared this; I’d keep in mind to verify whether the prospective service will be able to provide a liability insurance and workman’s compensation. I’d also keep in mind to check the service’s cleaning products and equipment.

  28. I literally had no idea what was to be asked and what to expect, as I have just started a business and I had no prior experience in getting my workplace cleaned. But by going through this article I had a clear vision of what I had to expect and what I must ask the service providers. As mentioned, I asked for insurance and guarantee satisfaction. By doing so I could stop worrying about misfortune, on top of that I mentioned what, how, and where to clean as well which guaranteed my satisfaction. Thank you for the article, by learning from it I could get maximum satisfaction at a reasonable price. Many of us have hectic schedules that prevent us from regularly maintaining order in the home. Luckily, there are several house cleaning services you can choose from to save you time in maintaining cleanliness on a regular basis.

    There are several benefits to hiring a professional cleaning company, especially since house cleaning is a demanding task that may take you hours to complete, but there are several questions if you’re going to find one that meets your expectations.

  29. For the last few weeks, I was thinking to clean my home by a professional but I was confused which things I should consider before hiring a professional. After reading your article, I checked their licensed and try to gather information about their service. Actually, I tried to follow your instruction. Your information was very beneficial to me. Thanks for sharing your valuable suggestions.
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  30. For properly hiring a house cleaning services agency I guess you are right. I have to be smart enough to be demand proof of license or insurance requirements or past customer reviews. So I will know if I am working with the right cleaning services agency which would be help from any damages. Thanks for sharing this quality information!
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  31. This blog does its best in explaining all the important questions that you need to remember while engaging in house cleaning services. While hiring professionals, make sure they are licensed and bonded, offer reasonable rates, have gone through background checks, etc. I think this blog would work well for anyone who’s looking for the factors they need to consider before hiring a house cleaning service.
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