Handy Sanitizing Tips, Pt 1

We can never be too careful when it comes to keeping our homes clean. Even when we have an actual maid service coming to our homes, there are things that we can do to make our homes cleaner. Keeping a clean home has many benefits, including sanitation. Sanitizing our home and everything inside our home […]

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Cleaning with Microfiber

Every cleaning company in the book has their fair share of cleaning hacks, ticks, and nifty secrets to make it easier to clean. This week, we’ll take a look at microfiber cloths and the way they can help add a little extra polish when cleaning your home. Microfibers are versatile in they can be used […]

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Helpful Habits for a Cleaner Home, Pt 2

Good cleaning habits help our homes stay cleaner, even when we have professional cleaning help. Our homes stay cleaner longer and they help our cleaning services get their job done in a timely manner. As a continuation from last week’s initial post, we’ll explore the ways we can cultivate these habits for a better, cleaner […]

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The Benefits of Dusting, Pt 2

After last week’s piece on the benefits that come along with dusting, you might be left wondering what one should include in a thorough dusting. If dusting has that many helpful benefits for you, your family, and your home, then it’s just as important to be complete in one’s regular dusting routine. It’s easy to […]

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How to Be an Efficient Cleaner | Part 2

By: Michelle Tran   Two weeks ago, we took a look at three cleaning tips that would help your house cleaning be more efficient. We all live busy lives, but when our maid service isn’t due for another week or two, it’s handy to know how to take care of our homes quickly and effectively! […]

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How to Be an Efficient Cleaner | Part 1

By: Michelle Tran   How important is your regular home cleaning? Does it matter if you clean your home any old way? What does an efficient cleaning routine look like? If you’re tight for time but still determined to keep atop of your own house cleaning, this post is for you! This week and next, […]

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The Secret to a Clean Floor | Part 2

By: Michelle Tran   Last week, we looked at hard floors and the best methods for an immaculate sweep. This week is all about finishing those floors with a mind-blowing mop! Finding a great mop routine and making the floors shine might seem impossible; but just like sweeping, there are some great tips and tricks […]

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Thanksgiving Cleaning Tips

Written by: Michelle Tran   Thanksgiving is only a week away but there’s so much left to do. Among all of the chaos, food planning and preparations, decorating, you still have your entire house to clean: ensuring your families holiday experience is positive and memorable. It can certainly feel overwhelming, but cleaning your home doesn’t […]

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Should I Take My Shoes Off at the Door?

Remember when you’d go to a friend’s house when you were younger and their mom would make you pop off your shoes at the door? Well, that lady that you perceived as a germaphobe really had the right idea! What’s the deal with taking off your shoes when you enter a home? Let’s find out! […]

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