Your spooky Halloween bash is quickly approaching and while you’ve got the décor and hors d’oeuvres figured out the cleaning situation isn’t going quite as smoothly. Of course, you want a clean house for guests…but the hours that go into it can be pretty daunting. Let Maid to Shine ease your stress a little bit […]
Make Your Own Green Cleaning Products
So, we had the dreaded talk about the harm of many household cleaners just a few weeks ago, now it’s time to talk about some alternatives. You didn’t think that we’d just give you a problem and no solution, did you? When You’re Looking for an All- Purpose Cleaner Mix 2 Tbsp baking soda with 1 […]
The #1 Cleaning Hack
There’s so many wonderful cleaning hacks out there, I mean we have a whole Pinterest Board dedicated to them, but a lot of people overlook the best hack there is: Hiring a Cleaning Service! Does that really classify as a cleaning hack though? If it makes your life not only easier but better than we […]
Clever…Or Not So Clever Ways to Clean
Cleaning is a chore…there’s no denying it and if there’s one thing people like it’s finding the easiest way to get the job done. We’ve searched the interweb far and wide for the most clever and funniest ways someone’s cleaned the house. Baby Mop If the kid’s going to be crawling around on the […]
How Your Household Cleaners Affect Your Health
There’s a reason green cleaners are a thing and that’s because so many household cleaners have traces of toxic ingredients. This can be pretty unsuspecting since these products are being sold in stores; we don’t think about them being bad for our health. Take a look at your cleaner’s ingredient list and if you see […]
At The Zoo- August Team Event
Lions and tigers and bears oh my! Our team adventured to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo this Saturday and boy was it fun! Gorillas running around, a Pancake Turtle named Pancake and massive giraffes chowing down on lettuce straight from our hands, it was such a fun experience. We had an amazing time as a team, […]
If You’re Happy and You Know It- Then You’ve Probably Hired a Cleaning Service
It might be hard to believe but studies show that spending money can actually make you happier. Here’s the catch though: Spending money on time saving services, such as a maid service, brings people more joy than spending money on an actual item.  “A study by the University of British Columbia and […]
Getting Your Little Helpers to Actually Help
The housework shouldn’t be totally left up to you. There’s a good chance that the majority of your messes come from the kids. It’s time for them to step up and help out! Check out our tips on how to get the kids to clean up around the house. Make it fun Give […]
Find Your Motivation to Clean
Cleaning certainly isn’t always a fan favorite (except maybe for us). It’s hard to get excited about something that you’d rather not be doing. We’ve got some tips for you, so hang tight, and we’ll find you your motivation to clean! Get organized- Make a list Things can get a little overwhelming when […]
Let’s Mop in an S Formation

Is there anything worse than spending hours mopping just to take a step back and only see streaks and smudges! Trust us, that kind of stuff gets real old real fast. Follow our mopping guide to get the perfect shine on those tough floors! Always Mop in an […]