It’s easy to remember to clean the toilets, floors and countertops because you see them every day but as you go in to your spring cleaning don’t forget these little things that could use a good wipe down too. Vacuum Filter When you clean out the vacuum does that make you a vacuum cleaner? […]
What Kind of Cleaning Does Your House Need?
General or Deluxe cleaning? Sometimes it’s hard to know just how much work you need to put into getting your house spotless. Take our cleaning quiz here and figure out how to make your home spotless!
Have a Professional Do Your Spring Cleaning
March is here and although the official start date for Spring isn’t until the 20th it’s time to get your home ready for the new season. You’ve spent a lot of time inside over the past couple of cold months and now we have to dust away the dirt and grim that winter left behind. If […]
Valentine’s Day Gift Idea
February 14th a day of love, laughter and gifts! It can be tough trying to figure out that perfect present for the special someone in your life. In a survey the majority of women said they’d want a vacation for Valentine’s Day. So forget the chocolates and flowers because we’ve got a pretty unique gift […]
The Perfect Christmas Gift
Christmas day is just weeks away and the to do list is getting lengthy. There’s holiday cleaning and gifts to buy, but there’s just not enough hours in the day! Maid to Shine believes that holidays and housework don’t have to go hand in hand…and we’ve figured out the perfect Christmas gift to get that […]
Don’t Forget to Clean Your Oven
The turkey’s getting ready for roasting and family is gearing up to head your way, now it’s time to prep the home. We’ve done plenty of quick clean posts that you can use to rapidly whip your home into shape so today we want to focus on something that’s really important this time of year: […]
The Best Way to Save Time
Let’s talk about time! Not father time or cooking thyme…but the clock goes tick-tock time! We have 24 hours in a day and so you devote that precious time to many things. For a lot of us most of the day is spent at work and when we get home we try to cram everything […]
The Importance of Fall Cleaning
The colder months are coming and that means snuggling up with a warm blanket and nights spent inside watching your favorite holiday movies. So why don’t we prepare our homes for fall like we do for spring? Maybe it’s time to take on fall cleaning like we do spring cleaning and here’s why. […]
Halloween Party Prep
Your spooky Halloween bash is quickly approaching and while you’ve got the décor and hors d’oeuvres figured out the cleaning situation isn’t going quite as smoothly. Of course, you want a clean house for guests…but the hours that go into it can be pretty daunting. Let Maid to Shine ease your stress a little bit […]
Make Your Own Green Cleaning Products
So, we had the dreaded talk about the harm of many household cleaners just a few weeks ago, now it’s time to talk about some alternatives. You didn’t think that we’d just give you a problem and no solution, did you? When You’re Looking for an All- Purpose Cleaner Mix 2 Tbsp baking soda with 1 […]