Cleaning ceiling fans effectively poses a cleaning quandary for us all. Finding an easy way for home owners and local cleaning services to efficiently clean in a timely manner. But, once you’ve hit upon the magic formula to clean ceiling fans well and quickly, cleaning them often will be a no brainer. Not only will […]
Dusting out the Cobwebs
With spring finally in full swing, most of us are looking at our houses, wondering what we can do to insure our homes are as clean as possible. There are so many things beyond our regular cleaning routines that we can do to help our home stay cleaner. There are shelves, nooks, and objects we […]
Know What’s in Your Cleaning Products
The need to sanitize and clean our homes has become more of a priority in recent months after the COVID-19 outbreak. With the all-important need to keep our homes clean, there has also been a surge in cleaning chemical related poisonings. The beginning of 2020 saw calls to poison control centers spike by 20%. Many […]
Deep Cleaning Light Fixtures
Just like any other part of cleaning homes, cleaning the light fixtures and chandeliers are important parts of a deep clean. Deep cleaning a home’s light fixtures, whether it is your own or for the client you clean for, the difference between spotless light fixtures and so-so fixtures is stunning. And after you’ve deep cleaned […]
Baseboard Cleaning Hacks
At first glance, the baseboards in our homes might not look too dirty. Because baseboards aren’t something we often think about, this leaves them open to continue collecting dust, grease, pet hair, and other particles. Being intentional about cleaning your baseboards regularly will give your home a helpful lift, making it that much cleaner. Cleaning […]
Introducing Electrostatic Fogging
Maid to Shine is offering a brand-new service: Electrostatic Fogging. Electrostatic Fogging is a professional level service, used to disinfect airlines, schools, and government buildings. It is a powerful cleaning tool that can be used to effectively fight against COVID-19. At Maid to Shine, we are excited to offer this new, effective cleaning service. Along […]
Handy Sanitizing Tips, Pt 2
It might feel as though sanitizing, disinfecting, and keeping our homes clean to combat viruses and bacteria seems more important than ever. Last week, we took a look at the ways sanitizing our light switch plates is a small step in keeping our homes cleaner. This week, we’ll look further into sanitizing things we mightn’t […]
Handy Sanitizing Tips, Pt 1
We can never be too careful when it comes to keeping our homes clean. Even when we have an actual maid service coming to our homes, there are things that we can do to make our homes cleaner. Keeping a clean home has many benefits, including sanitation. Sanitizing our home and everything inside our home […]
Cleaning with Microfiber
Every cleaning company in the book has their fair share of cleaning hacks, ticks, and nifty secrets to make it easier to clean. This week, we’ll take a look at microfiber cloths and the way they can help add a little extra polish when cleaning your home. Microfibers are versatile in they can be used […]
Cleaning Activities for Kids
Family bonding is at an all-time high as we practice social distancing. We know it can’t be easy entertaining the kiddos throughout the day, especially if you’re now finding yourself working from home. Maid to Shine would love to gift you with a little bit of entertainment for the kids that can double as some […]