Our rugs see a lot of traffic daily. Every member of our household and every visitor walk all over ours rugs with a great deal of frequency. With this amount of foot treading on our area rugs, it’s important that we know how to properly care for, clean, and maintain them. The proper care for […]
Finding Satisfaction from Cleaning Your Home
Cleaning isn’t just a practical chore we carry out (or hire out). It’s something that we can find great satisfaction in. It doesn’t have to be a source of stress or misery; instead, we can see the positive outcomes that comes from cleaning and find satisfaction in that. What are some other ways we can […]
How to Clean the Stovetop Grating
We all want magical cleaning solutions for cleaning. We just assume there are hundreds and thousands of tips just waiting to be searched for and tried. Of course that’s true, but we like to make your cleaning experiences easier and give you some of the best cleaning tips out there. So what’s one of our […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Hire Maid to Shine, Pt 2
Last week, we outlined the first five out of ten reasons why Maid to Shine should be Colorado Springs and Denver’s number one choice when hiring a cleaning service! This week, we’re here to give you the final five reasons why Maid to Shine is the best cleaning service to fit your cleaning needs. * […]
A Green Cleaning Mindset
So, you want to clean green. You’ve done your research; you’ve found and purchased the certified green products. You’ve gathered your “clean green” arsenal; you’ve organised, and you’re ready to go. But what if you’ve done all that, and you still feel stuck? How does one even begin to “clean green”? Especially in a world […]
A Safe Cleaning to Give You Peace of Mind
Maid to Shine’s goal is leaving peace for all of our clients, and that includes giving you peace of mind and a clean home during Covid-19 Keeping your homes clean and sanitized is an essential part of fighting against COVID-19, and it’s an essential task we take seriously here at Maid to Shine. It should […]
Halloween Party Prep
Your spooky Halloween bash is quickly approaching and while you’ve got the décor and hors d’oeuvres figured out the cleaning situation isn’t going quite as smoothly. Of course, you want a clean house for guests…but the hours that go into it can be pretty daunting. Let Maid to Shine ease your stress a little bit […]
Make Your Own Green Cleaning Products
So, we had the dreaded talk about the harm of many household cleaners just a few weeks ago, now it’s time to talk about some alternatives. You didn’t think that we’d just give you a problem and no solution, did you? When You’re Looking for an All- Purpose Cleaner Mix 2 Tbsp baking soda with 1 […]
The Worst Advice We’ve Heard About Residential Cleaning
During our years of residential cleaning, we’ve heard it all. From DIY tips that result in bleached out carpets to time savers that feel like they take an eternity. Here are a few nuggets we’ve heard over the years that just don’t pan out. Save yourself a headache by avoiding these common mistakes. Save Money […]
5 Questions To Ask When Hiring a Residential House Cleaner
It can be difficult knowing where to start when hiring a house cleaner. With so many options ranging from small businesses to franchises and individual cleaners, how do you know how to pick the right Colorado Springs residential cleaning service? If you’re interested in hiring house cleaning services for your home, consider these five important […]