Print off your own Maid to Shine Valentine’s day cards for that special someone in your life! Just click on your favorite, save it to your computer, and hit print.
The Best Way to Clean the Doors
Cleaning your doors might not be on your radar but the next time you find yourself without anything to do, go ahead and get it done. You’ll be thankful you did! But why spend time cleaning them? Well, doors are considered high touch areas, just think about how often you grab the knob or jostle […]
Deep Clean Your Couch
When’s the last time you gave your couch a really thorough cleaning? If you can’t remember then it’s time to clean! Maid to Shine will guide you through deep cleaning your couch and as a reward you can veg out on it after and binge your favorite show! Let’s start by simply brushing off any […]
Boo at the Zoo | October 2022 Team Event
Our October team event was a roaring spook-tacular time! We’re clearly pretty excited that our Maid to Shine team got to visit the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo during their Halloween festivities. Our group bopped around the zoo dressed in our most festive attire. Getting to see wolves in October is a great way to get into […]
Most Common Items You Miss While Cleaning
Light fixtures Don’t forget to look up when you start to clean. It doesn’t matter the room you’re in, there’s probably a light fixture or fan that needs to be dusted. Use your lambswool duster to reach those higher up items and knock the dust to the ground to sweep or vacuum up at the […]
How to Build a Cleaning Kit for Your Child
Building good cleaning habits can be a difficult thing, but if you have a little one at home you can encourage them to love cleaning from an early age. Once they’re an adult, they’ll thank you! So many of us don’t enjoy cleaning but maybe that’s because we think about being forced to do our […]
The Maid to Shine Organizing Challenge
Organizing your home can sound so difficult, so time consuming, and so boring. Unless you love to clean, like us! We’re encouraging you to take on the Maid to Shine 3-Step Organizing Challenge. Set aside about three hours to accomplish this task, but most importantly, have a reward waiting for you at the end. Maid […]
Maid to Shine’s Stain Removal Guide
There’s nothing worse than noticing a stain on your clothes and not knowing what to do next. Your initial reaction may be to just rub water and soap on the spot, but that might actually make matters worse. Here’s your Maid to Shine guide for stain removal, so the next time you have an unsightly […]
Why the Direction You Clean in Matters
Some people may think as long as you’re cleaning it really doesn’t matter which way you go. Bottom to top, right to left, back to front! Maid to Shine’s here today to rock your cleaning world and break the news, that it does make a difference which direction you clean in. We’re not just saying […]
Changing Your Cleaning Mindset
For so many people cleaning isn’t fun. I guess they don’t call them chores for nothing. When you don’t want to do something it only makes it that much harder to do it. So what do you do if you have a negative mindset towards cleaning? You could try ignoring it, but we think it’s […]